The Rhino and The Poacher

Azik Chowdhury

Daniel Takumbi is a subsistence farmer, Prana is a Southern White Rhino. This story tells of their struggles to survive.

Rakhi, Prana’s Aunt, speaks about the Rhino’s biggest enemy:
“It’s unlikely men will change. They’ve been killing us for years, and they’ll carry on, until none of us are left.”

Daniel is enticed into poaching by Kurt. While Daniel struggles with the morality of killing innocent animals, Kurt convinces him.
“Maybe you’ve seen bad press, telling us, what the first world thinks about killing these animals. Remember, the first world can make those choices, because they don’t live a third world life.”

Despite Kurt’s words. It’s the lessons Daniel learns from his eleven-year-old daughter Akachi, and his lifelong friend Ben, which makes him change direction.
Once Daniel walks away from poaching, he starts working for the Rhino sanctuary. Here, he forges a relationship with Prana. This friendship lasts for the rest of their lives, and beyond.

This story will grip you. It's fascinating, moving and beautiful. - Ann Norris

The final chapter, Mbingu, blew my mind. The author's imagination went into overdrive. It was wonderful, and it gave me hope. - Mike G

The switching perspectives all the time creates a deeper understanding of characters and allows you to fully immerse yourself in to the story, which highlights a major problem within the real world: the poaching of endangered animals. - Ben Chowdhury

This book literally took my breath away. It was thoughtful, intense, heartwarming and in a world full of hostility it offers hope and the possibility of change when someone listens and accepts and is willing to embrace another perspective. Change is possible this book will show you and teach you to never give up. - Jeane L.

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